An Altar by the Sea
by June Crawford
Poems to Ponder   2009

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   In total dedication to 
   my dear Lord and Savior
   In sincere appreciation  
   for what He did for me.
He Didn't Pull His Hand Away
  Words written for the CD 
Just This Side of Heaven
by June Crawford

He loved, He taught, He healed, He fed, 
The multitudes at hand, 
But they turned on Him 
As the scriptures said, 
In an angry hostile band; 
They heard Him cry “Forgive them all, 
They know not what they do”; 
And the blood that trickled down the cross 
Cleansed our sin and souls renewed

Before they stood the cross upright, 
It laid upon the ground, 
His body placed with arms out stretched 
And on His head a shameful crown. 
They held His hand against the wood, 
The heavy hammer lifted high; 
The rusty nail held in place, 
Yet from His lips there came no cry

He didn’t pull His hand away 
When they nailed it to the cross, 
He laid His tortured body down
And counted it all loss. 
Then the heavens darkened, and
The thunder rolled and 
The earth shook 
Where they stood, 
And the Lord hung 
In the darkness there, 
On a common cross of wood

Suspended in the late of day 
His lifeless body hung, and few 
Could comprehend the fact that 
The gates of hell were sprung.  
We now can live eternally 
It cost that Man His life; 
The Son of God had died that day 
Delivering us from strife

He didn’t pull His hand away 
When they nailed it to the cross, 
He laid His tortured body down
And counted it all loss. 
Then the heavens darkened, and 
The thunder rolled , and
The earth shook 
Where they stood, 
And the Lord hung 
In the darkness there, 
On a common cross of wood

And the Lord hung 
In the darkness there 
On a common cross of wood

He didn’t pull His hand away !   

Just This Side of Heaven,
Butterfly Wings and
Are You Sure

Three new CD's from 2008-2009.-2010 

I wrote my first song entitled 
He Didn't Pull His Hand Away  on
Just This Side of Heaven and 
wrote Mary's Little Lamb
 on Butterfly Wings 
and assisted with the vocal on the song
 In Jesus Name.

In the new album Are You Sure,
I wrote  the words and music for
The Bible Girls and gave  my best 
at singing it!

Ray wrote all the other music and produced 
the albums in his studio, then sent them to 
CDBaby to be reproduced.   All the vocals 
and harmonies and instruments are a 
result of his talents that the Lord has 
blessed him with.  
I did the design work on the albums.

You are welcome to listen to an excerpt 
from  In Jesus Name from
 Butterfly Wings  

You may also hear the title song from 
Are You Sure


You can listen to excerpts from all the songs from all albums at

The Bible Girls can be heard below

Warm Thoughts
by June Crawford

We gather up 
our private memories
scooping them up
lovingly wrapping them
around us snuggly
as we would
our favorite
thick warm sweater
to keep away the
cold blast of winter
or the frigid winds 
of reality.

.A Fleshly Composition
                       by June Crawford        

As I look down 
at my grandson
asleep on my lap
and tilt my head just so
I can see a bit of my mother,
and father; my daughter,
husband and son,
(his only uncle on my side)
and even a trace of
his great grandparents.

I also see a little of his father
his paternal grandfather
and grandmother and 
their other son,
(his only uncle on that side),
and for just one 
split second,
I see a flicker of myself
embodied in his eyes, 
his forehead, his hands,
his mouth and hair.

How many different individuals
have contributed to this composite
of fascinating flesh shaped into a small
boy that I so proudly hold this day,
whose beginnings began so many 
generations ago and ended up
here in my lap?

Wrinkles in Memories
by June Crawford

The intense face in the old picture
was obviously very young and unlined
dark eyes peered  out quizzatively 
and beckoned onlookers to remember

It had been taken in a photo booth
for twenty-five cents, cut from a strip 
of four others and carried around for 
40 years in a back pocket wallet

It remained there in it’s hiding place
while the rest of the world aged 
and went about it’s business
forgetting about the 2” square of photo paper

Upon emerging, the photo had a 
deep wrinkle that ran across the front
not obliterating the picture
but making it more interesting to look at

The face was unchanged, the eyes still dark
The passionate stare still needing an answer;
Thoughtfulness and energy written all over it;

And imbedded in that photo, with it’s deep crease 
was a world of memories, 
when she was seventeen and wrinkles 
were only for pictures carried around
 in back pocket wallets by one who was 
as much in love with her,
as she was with him!

Just a few words.....

I have enjoyed writing words for as 
long as I can remember.  I wrote 
free form poetry for years and filed it
 all away in a drawer until I read
 Billy Collins work!

He wrote from his heart about ordinary
things that we all have thoughts about
and he was the poet laureate of the
United States, and he didnt rhyme either!

So as I approached retirement age, I
decided to publish a few of my poems
I published my first book entitled 
A Small Room in 2003 and this past year
in 2009 Ifinished An Altar by the Sea.

In 2008 I started assisting my husband,
Ray in writing songs for his 2 new
Christian music albums.  Because of the
structure of a verse, it was a bit of a
challenge, but I have very much liked
hearing my words put to music.  On our
latest album, I even attempted to sing.  I
wrote the song and the music to it so
decided it would be a good time to finish 
the doing the vocal. 

It is called The Bible Girls, and 
highlights 20 women of the Bible.

On this page you can read and listen to
some of my efforts.  I hope you enjoy my
poems and songs as much as I have
enjoyed producing them.

Thank you for visiting!

"There is no Frigate 
like a book to take  
us to lands far away; 
not any courses 
like a page of
prancing Poetry."

Emily Dickinson

I had always wanted to write lyrics for a song on the womenof the Bible. This is my attempt for our 
new album entitled Are You Sure?
I managed to mention 20 Biblical ladies and also chose 
the music for this song and made an even bigger attempt
 to sing it .Ray is the singer in the family....not me   :)

The Bible Girls

There were ladies in the Bible
Who served the Lord with zest
Some married saints and bore them sons
Most faced tremendous tests

Eve was mother of us all
Ester wed a Persian King
Rebecca bore a set of twins
Eunice taught her male offspring


Let’s celebrate our sisters
Let’s sing with pride and joy
For without all the Bible girls
There’d be no Bible boys

Miriam was a prophetess
Lydia, Christ’s new child
Naomi left her foreign land
Ruth joined her in the wild

Mary listened at Christ’s feet
Martha played the servant role
Tabitha was raised from death
Sarah’s senior birth was told

Repeat chorus

Delilah, Salome, Jezebel 
Bathsheba;  all brought shame
You were really naughty bible girls
You shamed your given name.

Rachel married Jacob last
Leah bore him sons and cried 
Elizabeth rejoiced for Mary’s child
Mary watched as Jesus died.

Repeat chorus

Let’s celebrate our sisters 
Let’s sing with pride and joy
For without all the Bible girls

Bye, bye you  Bible boys!

You can listen to The Bible Girls and sing along :)

You may listen to the song Bible Girls
by clicking on bar below 
The Wrinkled Picture
Ms. June at 17

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed
Soothes the mind and gives it rest,
Heals the heart and makes it whole
Flows from heaven to the soul."

Some of the Bible Girls
Click here to add text.

"The stars shine over the mountains
The stars shine over the sea
The stars look up at a mighty God 
And the stars look down on me.

The stars will shine for a million years
A million years and a day
But my Lord and I will live and love
When the stars have gone away."

Robert Louis Stevenson

"Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord all the earth, 
sing to the Lord, bless 
His name.  
Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day. 
Tell of His glories among the nations, His wonderful deeds among all people.  
For great is the Lord and 
greatly to be praised."  

Psalms 96:1-4

The wrinkled picture and Ms. June at 17
Pharoahs daughter
Mary Jesus mother
Samarian woman
Lots daughter
Mary and Martha
Mary Magdeline
Woman at the well
Jesus and Mary

Proverbs 31:10–31

presents the outright model 
for a woman, 
the wife of a noble character. 
She is worth more than rubies, 
bringing good to her husband, 
and caring for her family. 
She provides for the poor and needy. 
She does a little business on the side, 
making and selling garments, 
supplying merchants, 
considering a field to buy, 
planting a vineyard from her earnings. 
She is industrious, never idle,
full of dignity, 
respected and praised 
by her husband and children. 
She speaks with wisdom and instruction, 
and we are admonished 
to give her the reward she has earned.

You go girls!

The Little Maiden

God grant me the serenity 
to accept the things
 I cannot change, 
courage to change the things
 I can, and the wisdom 
to know the difference.

 Reinhold Niebuhr