My Life As a Leaf
One single leaf clung to the old oak
tree branch with undeniable tenacity;
the storm outside my window
whipped rain and wind against the pane
But when the tempest receded
the leaf shook itself of the experience
and continued its act of longevity,
swaying meekly in the aftermath
All other leafs had been raked into neat piles,
played in by children (of all ages) then
hauled to the edge of the pine grove;
they would serve as mulch for the spring garden
I watched this leaf as snow capped the bare limbs
and branches snapped under weighty ice;
when spring arrived, with her bonnet of crocuses
and jonquils, it peered curiously at this stranger
….this one lone leaf
There it hung! Dry, cracked and colorless;
among new life it clung to its own;
tiny green buds and emerging leafs
were excited about clothing
this giant oak tree anew
I watched it and somehow felt
it must be tired of the fight;
it looked out of place and ugly
in the surroundings it found itself in
I fetched a ladder from the garage,
climbed to the top and stretched to reach;
I plucked the old leaf, carefully and gently,
and descended the steps to the ground
It was respectfully carried to the pine grove,
walked a short distance out of sight of pathways
and finally laid to rest on the soft forest floor;
this is a fighter, a warrior, a survivor
As beautiful as the new leaves were that spring,
they lacked the dignity and stamina of the
old one;the one that had stood the test of time
and the fury of the storms; the one that
set the example for me, to remain.